Friday 19 June 2009

Better Today

I've had 400 calories today. Which is a vast improvement on yesterday.
I am still avoiding carbs which is great as I really think they are too unhealthy to put into my body. All I seem to have in my house to eat though is carbs. So I went to the local store and bought some salad stuff and made a salad for my meal..It was lovely but I only ate a bit of it, if my mum would have been home she wouldn't have let me get away with that but now I am not in school anymore I can plan to have my evening meal before she gets home from work so she doesn't see what I am eating, is just under the illusion that I am eating normally.
My stomach is already feeling hungry though, I don't understand why as I had that salad a short while ago, maybe it's just the feeling of digestion as it feels a lot like hunger.
I'm away this weekend with my boyfriend at the Formula One, I like cars so it will be good to watch the racing. There is always so much unhealthy food at events like these though I will have to make sure I don't buy anything from there I'd rather not eat anything for two days then have to do that.

Cheryl Cole has lost 10lbs again. I read it in a mgazine today. She is back down to a UK size 6 and I have to say she looks so amazing. I love how small her torso looks. She lost that 10lbs in 3 weeks apparently but not eating carbs and using a specialised exercise bike. Famous people always seem to lose weight easier than normal people, it's annoying but I guess they have the resources to lose weight quicker. I can't find a recent photo of her after the weight loss now but I am sure there will be some around sometime soon. I do love how her stomach looks though. My boyfriend saw the magazing cover and said she looked horribly thin, I didn't comment when he said that as my opinion is completely different. I am always having to hold my tongue when people make comments like that, I wish I could say what I think but I know if I did then people would say something to me about my obsession with thin women and weight loss.

Hopefully tomorrow I'll see a bigger weight loss for myself, it is starting to get very tedious seeing the same number on the scales every morning.

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