Tuesday 30 June 2009

Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining

I have been to a festival recently and I have come home from it being a lot skinner than when I left. Probably because of all the dancing and walking I had to do, it made me happy to realise I hadn't gained either as I was practically living off carbs whilst I was there which made me feel so unhealthy and horrible.
Not only that I now have a stomach bug from the festival. I've been throwing up for a day now and I feel even thinner. I am not allowed to eat either until it's properly gone so I feel light headed and dizzy but it is kind of like fasting I guess.
My mum is getting worried as she thinks this could make me slip back into my old habits, little does she know that I have still been trying to lose weight ever since I left counselling. I don't know how much I weight at the moment as I can barely walk, if I do I nearly faint.
Hopefully I'll be better soon and can carry on with losing weight properly.

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