Thursday 18 June 2009

765 Calories.

For today. It annoys me that I am eating so many calories lately. It's not disastrous but it's still not good at all. I used to be able to keep under 300 at the moment though I can't seem to manage it. Apparently calorie shifting like that helps you lose weight more but I'd prefer to always eat less, I feel better about myself if I do.
I wont eat anything else today though so that is my final amount for today. I really should go to the gym but I don't find much time for it at the moment with having had exams and my boyfriend sees me a lot, but with finishing school now I will be able to fit it in every week again like I used to.
I haven't lost anymore, still stuck at 110lbs. My belly is getting flatter though. I don't understand my body sometimes, I can't tell what is a sure way how to lose weight properly with my body, I swear it just chooses when it wants to lose weight. It is difficult sometimes but I shall keep going until I get at my ultimate goal of 100lbs, 10 to go. I hope I can do it.
10lbs isn't much right? It's just all about control and motivation.

I had a bit of a breakdown again yesterday. Cried for hours on end. It felt good to cry but also horrible at the same time. I felt like crap about myself, no surprise there but it just means I need to focus completely so it doesn't happen again any time soon.
I am off to a festival soon which means I probably wont be eating much at all so hopefully I'll come home a lot thinner than when I left. I am avoiding carbs so much right now I love it. I hate carbs so much they are horrific. Make me feel so hefty and fat. I feel happier without them.

much love girls

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