Thursday 4 June 2009


I'm rather pleased with this. Considering on Sunday I was at 55 I am happy. Nearly under the 8 stone region now which is great.

I think I am actually beating food. I looked at a cake my mum usually buys this morning and most of the time, say a couple of weeks I wouldn't have been able to resist having some but this morning I thought why would I want a piece of that? It's great. I hopefully I can carry on like this and wont lose my way. That's what usually happens to me, I start losing loads of weight and then somewhere for an unknown reason I'll give in, start eating a lot again and put back on the weight that I lost which is really depressing. I think I can stay strong though.

1 comment:

GLUTTONY said...

well done :)

i remember for 3 days i felt like
i was `beating` food too.
its an amazing feeling.
just stay strong and keep going.
