Monday 8 June 2009

Oh My Stomach.

It's only 12.37pm here and already my stomach is hurting so much. How can I be this hungry already? It's weird. The rest of the day is going to be challenging now but I shall keep on starving I guess. Well I have no other option, food doesn't even attract me anymore I actually hate it.
I was thinking yesterday that I don't actually see the point in eating it's just a chore which I don't want.

I haven't lost anymore weight since my last post which is annoying. I always get stuck around this weight but I'm just going to exercise extra hard today to shift those lbs. However I have a certain pair of jeans where I can always tell how big my thighs are as sometimes they feel tight when I've put on weight and other times they feel really baggy when I have lost weight, and at the moment they are loose on me again, which is great. It means I'm losing inches which is awesome.
Also I went shopping for some clothes last week and I tried on a pair of high waisted shorts in a size 8 (UK sizes) and they were too big. I felt so good to be a 6 and it happened with a pair of jeans. I didn't buy the shorts but I still love the fact that an 8 was too big on me.

Goodbye for now my dears

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