Wednesday 3 June 2009

An Update

I've been so bad with blogging lately. Sometimes I just really don't want to post.
Well my fast was quite a failure really. I knew it would be in some ways. I would go all day without eating and then in the night i would get so hungry and give in to a yogurt or a cereal bar which to me is a failure.
So I've gone back to basics. I am practically living off salad and fruit at the moment which is fine with me as I am in love with it. I haven't eaten anything greasy or fatty in ages. I couldn't imagine eating something like pizza or pasta now. My mum gets worried and wont let me have a salad on it's own so she puts a carb on the plate like potato which is annoying but I just leave it or eat in my room and put it in the bin without her realising.

I had a bad day yesterday though had 1038 calories which is disgusting. I couldn't believe that, I rarely go over 600 let alone 1000. Today isn't going to be like that though. I've had some pomegranate seeds today. The whole pack is 54 calories and I've had about 10 seeds so my calorie intake isn't so much at all. They are so good for you though the best antioxidant there is.

I have some photos. I don't know whether they look good or not but this is from this morning. I was shocked I hadn't put on weight from yesterday I have actually lost some. I'm not going to post my weight yet as it could easily go up but hopefully it wont.

My thighs still need a lot of work but I had managed to get my stomach flat again. Still want it to be flatter though.
Tonight my boyfriend wants to take me out for a meal as we have been together two months today ( which isn't a long time but it's still sweet) and I am scared as I wont know the calories of what I am eating, he worries about my eating habits as it is. I think I shall just order a salad, it's the most safest thing I think.

I hope you all are keeping your spirits up!
Much love

1 comment:

LoveMeDead said...

wow :0
you look amazing.
good job!