Sunday 26 April 2009

Completely Motivated

I woke up this morning and I have lost more inches. My jeans are much looser and my stomach is flatter. I feel great. It's odd that I am losing inches and not pounds I don't understand why that is happening but I don't really understand how the body works when it comes to weight lose anyway.

I feel today I can do whatever I want! I know I can stick to the rules I have set myself for today which is smallest amount of calories as possible and also no carbs at all.
So far I have had:

- a bowl of soup, 100 calories
- a cup of green tea, 1 calorie.

I think if I get peckish tonight I shall have a Muller yogurt which is 100 calories as well so if I stick to that today's consumption will be 201 calories. I really hope I can keep to this it will make me feel so strong if I do.
Much love to anyone who reads my blog regularly as well. I don't send out my thanks enough for the people who comment my posts and who keep me strong. Also to the many people who keep their blogs up I love reading other peoples posts.

1 comment:

GLUTTONY said...

it does make you motivated when
you are able to stay under your
calories for the day.

yesturday was the first time
i consumed less than 200 in
years and now today im aiming
for the same thing again!
its such satisfaction :)