Saturday 25 April 2009

Sinful Saturday!

I give myself a day off from restricting on Saturdays as I believe that if you restrict for so long you are in more danger of binging in the long run so i eat more freely on these days but still keep in mind the amount of calories I am consuming.
I am not that worried about what I have eaten today as it will boost my metabolism and I haven't gone over board with what I have eaten. Tomorrow though I am back to full restriction and no carbs will be passing my lips!

I am getting smaller which is great. I have a pair of jeans that help me tell if my thighs are getting smaller or bigger because they are well fitted and I can feel it when I am getting smaller which is happening so that is good, there isn't any real successful weight lose at the moment yet I am still stuck at 110lbs. Hopefully that will change soon.

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