Thursday 15 January 2009

I Feel Horrible.

Today has been the worst day i have had in ages. I have been so weak today and i can't believe i have let myself eat what i have. Chocolate is the worst thing ever i have just been craving it today as i haven't had it in ages so i think that's why i am craving it.

Tomorrow i shall get myself back on track, i have been to the gym and i am doing some exercises tonight at home i am doing everything i can. I purged as well which is the worst as i got out of the habit of doing that and i don't want to start again.
I must make sure i get a lot of sleep tonight as the more sleep you get the more calories you burn so i will be getting well over 8 hours sleep.

I need to stay motivated and i can't get back into bad habits...i hope i can be stronger tomorrow.


Leni said...

Hey there, just stumbled across your blog. You're soooo thin - don't worry about the chocolate you ate. I am sure you won't gain something because you had it.

By the way: If I crave chocolate (what unfortunately does happen from time to time) I try to stick to grapes. Doesn't always work out, but in most cases.

You will be stronger tomorrow! Let us know about your progress!

Anonymous said...

yeah,don't stress about that much,and i know it's hard to avoid the temptation to purge,but it just isn't worth all the damage it does to your body

the most important is not get stuck there,be strong:)