Friday 10 July 2009

It's Only A Matter Of Time.

So recently I have been very bad indeed. I've been eating around 1500 calories this week and I can't believe I am letting myself do this. The strange thing is I haven't put on much weight as I am 109lbs. This completely confuses me and I am starting to think I have very little knowledge about losing weight. For me though I think it is only a matter of time until my weight shoots back up again especially because some of the food I am eating right now has quite a lot of fat in it such as chocolate. I am craving it so much at the moment I always do after having my period and I am eating it so easily. I can't understand how I am letting myself do this, chocolate is usually something I detest and wont even let my mum buy but now I am actually enjoying eating it. I'm stupid. I have been drinking a lot of green tea and I am exercising quite a lot at the moment so maybe this is helping my metabolism speed up a lot. I hope this is the case as I don't think I have much time left until my weight shoots up as well. Tomorrow I will have to be thinking constantly about what I am putting into my body and I will have to keep reminding myself that NOTHING TASTES AS GOOD AS THIN FEELS, it's the only thing that keeps me in control. Hopefully tomorrow I will succeed, all I can do for now is hope these past few days haven't done much damage.
I need some strength right now that I will have to find within myself...I can do this I know I can.

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