Tuesday 12 May 2009

I Feel Strong.

I woke up today looking much thinner than i have done in so long. I don't know what it was but i think just because I've increased the amount of sit-ups, stomach crunches and also leg exercises I'm doing it's helped a lot.
I've lost the 4lbs I had put on recently which is great so I'm now down to 112lbs again. God it's still annoying me though, about two or three months ago i was about 109lbs and i felt amazing, hopefully now the lbs will start to drop off again soon.

My intake for today at the moment is 305 calories.
I've had a fat free Muller yogurt which was 100 calories and also a chocolate bar which was 205. I felt awful after eating that chocolate bar but i couldn't resist it as i hadn't had chocolate in so long. I am keeping at that number anyway as i am getting good at not wanting big meals anymore so i wont want to eat this evening and i am going to the gym later so i will probably burn all that off anyway.

Stay strong my girls! :)
much love.x

1 comment:

GLUTTONY said...

i did the same thing once
with a chocolate cookie
then saw the calories were 240
i didnt eat for the
rest of the day...

but thats amazing how quickly
youre losing again!
ive been stuck for two weeks.

goodluck! stay strong & keep going!