Sunday 19 April 2009

Such a set back.

This weekend i have been at my dads so my diet has just been so bad! I always relax too much when i am staying with my dad so i don't really think about what i am eating. He doesn't have much junk food at his house but so many carbs and heavy foods which is just as bad.
My stomach feels so bloated which is horrible, it doesn't look as bad as it feels though which is reassuring.

Tomorrow i shall get myself back on track though and i have seriously been thinking about buying some diet pills. I am not sure though as reviews say that some have really bad side-affects and some don't work or you put weight back on after using them ...i have always been curious about them though, even though i know i can lose weight without them i could get a greater weight lose with them which would be brilliant. I am so confused.
For now though i have decided i am not going to eat anything tomorrow and i love the fact that i have set myself that goal it makes me happy and excited for tomorrow as i feel i can do it, I've done it before so i can do it again right?

The feeling of an empty stomach is so nice i yearn for it.

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