Friday 17 April 2009

I feel sick with hunger.

I hate this feeling but it shows I am doing the right thing. I can't face weighing myself today as I don't think i have made any great lose although I want to keep check on my weight, it will just be disappointing if the scales don't change.

I have to baby sit for my dad tonight as he is going out with my step mum which is good as he never has any junk food in his house so there is no temptation there, literally all he has is healthy food. I still wont want to eat it though.

My boyfriend keeps telling me how nice my legs are and how much he likes my flat stomach which annoys me a little, even though it's a nice compliment but i really hate my legs they are disgusting my stomach isn't as bad but it's still quite flabby around the bottom. His sister is perfect she is so tall and skinny like a model and she is naturally like that every time I see her it makes me jealous but then again I guess it also makes me want a body like hers more.
I need to find a way to not be tempted by food at night now as I always find it hard during this time of day to resist food. Maybe I should go to bed earlier then I wont have to think about it.

1 comment:

Natasha said...

Nighttime is always the worst for me...i can go all day without eating so easily, but then with 7pm rolls around I'm like an eating machine! I try to force myself to eat just a little about every 3 hours so I don't go overboard at night.... Love the thinspo in your last post - I want to be that skinny!