Sunday 25 January 2009

Oh Dear

I have had an enjoyable weekend as i have been to two parties and gotten quite drunk which has been fun to let my hair down...the problem is when I'm drunk i like to eat a lot which is so bad as i just eat so much junk and i don't really think about what i am doing because of the alcohol.

I have put weight back on which is depressing so now i am just going to have to limit my food as much as i possibly can so i can make sure i start losing weight again i also need to get up to the gym more hopefully all this damage can me fixed because it's really depressing when i think about what i have eaten this weekend.


AnaBullshit said...

Alcohol is dangerous, agreed!

Harlow B said...

i have the same problem when i drink. i ave come to the conclusion... I can't drink AND be skinny so its one or the other...