Thursday 29 January 2009

I want to die right now

OMG! what had that clinic done to me!!!!!
I can't stand myself at the moment just as i was getting control over my cravings it's all gone again now all the work i had put it has just been ruined because of that clinic and those phycologists.

They put me on the little and often meal plan so i don't lose anymore weight and it's killing me seriously i feel like i can't stop myself from eating junk now and it's depressing me i feel so worried.
My scales have also been taken away so i can only weigh myself once a week at home but i weigh myself at the gym now.

I need something to get my strength and willpower back. I have found a way i can trick the clinic into thinking i am staying at a good weight by what they consider a good weight anyways i just need to get back to normal and stop eating crap late at night as i can't do it.

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