Saturday 3 January 2009

Milk Diet

This diet i haven't heard much about but recently more people are talking about it and are starting to give it a go.
I never drink milk. Even if it is skimmed or low fat milk i never like drinking it because i hold the belief that milk is extremely fattening. This diet though suggest drinking only glasses of milk as your daily intake and no food at all. The though of drinking just milk every day kind of makes me feel quite sick i don't think i could live off milk for a week or so.
The diet also suggest that if the person doing the diet starts to feel ill that they should eat an orange or lemon and this is the only time when food is allowed.
To me this diet doesn't seem very good and i would much rather live off crackers, oranges and water like i am doing so at the moment. Crackers and oranges are low in calories with crackers being 35 calories each and the oranges i eat are tiny so they are only worth 15 i think that's better than living off milk for a week or however long the diet lasts.

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