Wednesday 10 June 2009

Apparently curves are back.

I was reading a gossip magazine yesterday that my mum had bought and on the front the caption was "Why curves are cool again". I hate seeing things like that, it annoys me so much.
I also hate when people use the word "curves" when in fact these women are actually fat not "curvy". I don't understand how these women can be happy after putting on weight instead of being skinny. Celebrities like Leona Lewis, Kelly Clarkson and Hilary Duff have all put on weight again and are saying they feel happier and more womanly for it. I can't ever imagine myself speaking like that about my body. The word curvy is just giving them an excuse to look fatter in my mind.

In my own progress though I am down to 50kgs, I am not sure how many lbs this is as my scales only have kgs and stone which is annoying but I can't complain really as my mum hasn't taken away my scales like she was told to a couple of months ago by the clinic. I am getting annoyed somewhat though that my weight is going down quicker but I am still losing more inches which I guess is great as well.
I feel weak, dizzy and tired today though, which shows I am making progress.
I just wish my mum would stop buying brownies all the time, they just make me feel ill and they are constantly in my kitchen.

It's also nice to see some people returning to this site after a break and are posting again, it's lovely :) I also am thankful to the girls who follow my blog and comment, your all special to me.
Keep strong my dears


Lolita said...

I read that too! They all looked better skinny! I actually hate the word "curvy" and all that surrounds it - I've probably used it haha. But still it's the way they praise it. Eugh.
Rant over.
Thanks for the post and well done on your amazing progress. xo

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean, being overweight is like a religion now.
50 kg is about 110 pounds! Congrats, its a milestone number!


Anonymous said...

What really pisses me off is how the magazines say that girls look better 'curvy', whilst they use stick thin models and publish diet tips. Its like fuck off and make your mind up.

But 50kg! Congrats (: