Wednesday 15 April 2009

Why oh why am i like this...

I am so annoyed at myself! Every time i put something in my mouth or every time i look in the mirror i just get angry at myself and it's starting to take an effect on me now. I look at some of the girls i see in the blogs here and also on TV and i yearn to be like them so much but it's just not going to happen, i feel like a failure and i feel like giving in sometimes...but there is also a part of me that wants to strive on and succeed! I don't know what to do anymore i think i need to set myself some stricter goals like i used to and then i will feel better. I just wish i could wake up tomorrow and instantly have the body i want but i know that can only happen in a fantasy world.

For now i will keep at it and this blog is also keeping me motivated. Hopefully i can keep on fighting the urge to give in. The need to eat though is just seeing like a bigger chore everyday which i suppose is a good thing as i am losing my appatite again.


Anonymous said...

I know you can do it! We will be really strict together and we'll get the beach bodies that we crave.

We can do this!

Sending strength to you

Love, Mel <3

Maria said...

You can do it! We have to stay strong and keep fighting and we can get there.

Love, Maria