Friday 27 March 2009


Today whilst i was in a science lesson i found out that 75% of the Uk's population is over weight which completely shocked me, i didn't know the statistic was that high. I also cannot believe the amount of unnecessary food the western world consumes when there are people in undeveloped countries dying from not having any food at all or water.

Next time i go to eat something i shall think of how there are people who don't get to eat as much food as we do and i will be much more conscious of the fact that we don't need as much food as what is consumed here.

I will not be part of that 75% that is over weight, i shall be different :).

1 comment:

Savory Sweet said...

Brilliant thing to keep in mind. That would kill the appetite.

I loved your tattoo thinspo from an earlier post. I have some of those pictures as well. I'm such a tattoo junkie :)