Wednesday 7 January 2009

Low Again.

Today i didn't go into school as i just haven't got the energy at the moment so i slept all day until my mum came home from work. She wasn't in the best of moods again.
I haven't actually eaten much today which i am happy about and i haven't weighed myself either as i can't bear to look at the scales today or even my body as it will just depress me again so i will wait till tomorrow to see if my jeans are any looser or if my stomach has started to cave in yet ( which i highly doubt).

I had another argument with my mum today as she ordered me a pizza and i didn't want it so i said i would have some soup which she wasn't happy about. Then i wanted to go to the gym which she wouldn't let me do as i have been in bed all day ( she thinks I'm ill) so i feel worried now as i can't go but i am seeing my fitness trainer tomorrow. I haven't had a meal today because i went upstairs to my room after we had our argument, i think she has forgotten that i haven't eaten much today which is good. I feel like crap again though and i really don't feel like socialising at all at the moment but i have to go into school tomorrow which will annoy me.
I think i can succeed now i just have to get past my mum.

1 comment:

LoveMeDead said...

hey! check me out, ok? love the pro pic, lol.